Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hope. It drives me.

I learned quite a few things by the end of my visits to my VIPS school. I realized that a high school is definately where I want to be. However, I'm still figuring out if an urban school is where I want to be. While I like the challenge that comes with the kids and the subject, it can be a rough place to teach in. Although, many teachers who teach in an urban high school absolutely love every part of it. They say that there can be some bad days, but seeing their kids graduate and do so well in school is such a payoff to the teachers. Watching just how far their under-rated students go is such a rewarding experience that they wouldnt even think about teaching somewhere else. So this has led me to question about the area that I might later teach in.

I also realized that teachers make a large impact of students lives. While the students were kind of nervous about me being in their class and their asking me for help, they eventually learned that I was there to help. It was rewarding to see my students grow in their musical skills, seeing them learn the terms and apply them to their instruments that they were learning. It was great to see them get better at their instruments and actually enjoy playing them even though they had originally hated them. Seeing the impact that I, simply being a tutor, had on the students has made me realize just how much I want to be a teacher. I hope some day I can make an impression on my music students like my VIPS teacher has had on his kids. That I might be as respected as he is. And that I might inspire students like my own music teacher did with me.

I have hope for so much.

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